Come On, Hail A Ryde! Malta’s Newest Eco-friendly London Cab App Goes Live

If you’ve noticed any iconic black London cabs cruising around Maltese roads recently, then you’ve probably glimpsed Ryde’s fully-electric hero cars in action.
Ryde is the latest cab-hailing service to hit Malta’s shores and it’s completely revolutionizing the way we view sustainable mobility in Malta.
This whole service was moulded around the philosophy that humans and the environment should co-exist, which is why a major green initiative is being rolled out in the next couple of weeks!
“It’s that simple, we believe it’s the human side of things that puts the magic into our business,” said a spokesperson for Ryde.
This new fleet of cars and mini-vans provides a whole new level of comfort for their Ryders with features like ramp access for wheelchairs, pushchairs and prams, Three by three seating facing each other, a sky roof for natural light and ample luggage space.
The app is also very user-friendly with attention to detail which just makes you fall in love with it! It has seamless on-demand and pre-booking services which easily allows you to book what you need immediately.
Download the Ryde Malta app from Google PlayStore: