CONFIRMED: Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri And Yorgen Fenech Did Share A Private WhatsApp Group – ‘We Were Like Brothers’

Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, his chief of staff Keith Schembri and Daphne Caruana Galizia murder suspect Yorgen Fenech shared a private WhatsApp group, investigators have confirmed.
Inspector Kurt Zahra confirmed the existence of the group in court today under questioning from lawyer Jason Azzopardi and said Fenech revealed the group while under interrogation in November 2019. The detail was first revealed by Lovin Malta in February 2020.
“We were like brothers,” Fenech told police.
Fenech’s relationship with Muscat and Schembri has been under the microscope ever since his arrest and charge in connection with the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Recently it was revealed that Fenech told investigators that Schembri was the mastermind behind the murder, while Muscat was one of the three people who knew about the murder after the fact.
The Tumas Group businessman was invited to Muscat’s exclusive birthday party at Girgenti in 2019, where he gifted the former Prime Minister three bottles of expensive Petrus wine. One of the bottles was a 1974 vintage (Muscat’s birth year), and two of them were 2007 vintages (the year Muscat’s twin daughters were born).
On another occasion in 2014, Fenech handed Muscat a luxury limited-edition Bvlgari watch commemorating Malta’s ascent into the EU. All of the gifts have since shown up on an official registry, which was published almost a month after the allegations first emerged.