COVID-19 Is Malta’s Top Concern By Far, Followed By Corruption, Survey Finds

COVID-19 is unsurprisingly the top concern among Maltese voters by a clear mile, with corruption ranked second, a new MaltaToday survey has found.
The survey, published this morning, found the pandemic to be the top concern of 46.2% of people and of all demographics of Maltese society.
However, concern is more pronounced among Labour voters, with 52.9% of people who voted for PL at the 2017 election ranking COVID-19 as their major concern, compared with 40.6% of PN voters.

Findings from today's MaltaToday survey
Corruption comes in as the second most pressing concern, chosen by 10.8% of respondents. Once again, the difference between PL and PN voters is stark – 18.2% of PN voters flagged corruption as a top concern, compared with only 4.7% of PL voters.
Illegal immigration is the nation’s third top concern but the political difference in opinion is reversed, it being flagged by 10.2% of PL voters but only 3.7% of PN voters.
Meanwhile, the economy comes in as Malta’s fourth most pressing concern, with no visible political difference, flagged by 7.1% of PL voters and 5.5% of PN voters.
Concern on joblessness and low wages comes in fourth with 3.1%, followed by construction (2.7%), traffic (2.5%) and the environment (1.6%).
The survey shows a pretty significant shift in public sentiment since MaltaToday carried out a similar survey last July. Back then, COVID-19 was only flagged as a top concern by 13.5% of voters, while illegal immigration was flagged by 14.2% of them. Concern on the Opposition, which at 13.2% was Malta’s third most pressing concern last July, has completely evaporated.