Criminal Lawyer Joe Giglio Blasts Attorney General: ‘You Drag Regular People Over The Coals For Money Laundering’
Criminal lawyer Joe Giglio has accused Attorney General Peter Grech of consistently acting tough on the weak and weak on the tough when it comes to cases of money laundering.
“I deal with the Attorney General’s office every day and I know how he deals with Peppi, Challi and Fredu when they are accused of laundering some €50,000. They freeze their assets, enter their homes and seize their equipment and if they want to go on holiday they practically need to get the Attorney General’s permission and even inform him what hotel they’re staying at.”
“With others, whose names I need not mention, he acts differently. The Attorney General has no right to treat people differently, in so doing he is abdicating his responsibility as an institution.”
Giglio was speaking on NET after a Constitutional Court found that Grech had breached Opposition leader Adrian Delia’s rights when he had granted a copy of the Egrant inquiry to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and not to him.
Giglio described the court’s ruing as unprecedented, warning it is the first time the Constitutional Court has found the Attorney General personally responsible for breaching the human rights of others.
“PL exponents often argue that the fact that Adrian Delia was able to file a court case shows that our institutions are working but I see it the other way around. If an Opposition leader has to go to court to ensure there isn’t political discrimination, then it shows that our institutions aren’t working.”