Deputy Leader Chris Cardona Calls For Keith Schembri’s Immediate Removal From Labour Party: ‘If Not The Party Is Complicit’

Deputy Labour Party leader Chris Cardona has called for the Prime Minister’s disgraced former chief of staff Keith Schembri to be removed from the Labour Party immediately.
Schembri, who resigned following his arrest in connection with the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, has also been alleged to have attempted to orchestrate a frame-up of Cardona.
Yorgen Fenech, who has been charged with conspiracy in the assassination, has even provided investigators with a letter detailing the alleged plot.
Cardona, the latest in a list of key Labour Party players calling on the party to take a strong stance and distance itself from Schembri, wrote on Facebook:
“I’ve had a lot to say about what has been going in the country, but I’ve felt that as a Minister it would be better to express my opinions within the party’s structures rather than write publicly, but I feel that every limit is being passed.”
“As Deputy Leader of the party I love, I cannot remain silent.”
“Keith Schembri has to be removed from the party immediately even if it’s already been too late.”
“The damage that is being done to the party means we have to send a clear message – if not then the party is complicit.”
“I also want to make it clear that contrary to what was said, Keith Schembri didn’t win ten elections for the Labour Party. The Labour Party won because the population had faith in it and believed that only the Labour Party had the best vision for our country.”
The last line was a reference to Schembri’s refusal to apologise to Labour supporters when confronted by the press after his day in court.
Yesterday, the ever-controversial Jason Micallef, a former general secretary of the Labour Party, said that Schembri should be expelled from the party immediately.
“The Labour Party is bigger than any individual, whoever he or she is,” he wrote on Facebook.