Doctors In Malta’s Public Health Sector Will Go On Strike Tomorrow Over COVID-19 Measures

Malta’s doctors working in the public health sector will go on strike tomorrow, the Medical Association of Malta has announced.
The decision comes following a perceived u-turn on COVID-19 regulations from the government, particularly when it comes to bars.
The strike will start at 8am on 20th August and will continue to 9am. All doctors working in public health doctors from the grade of foundation doctor to that of Consultant will take part in the strike.
Doctors working at the swabbing centres are exempted from this directive, as are the Chief Medical Officer and the Superintendent of Public Health.
“This one hour strike is being ordered in protest against political and unscientific interference by other Ministries in the work of public health doctors with the result that faulty decisions are being taken by other ministries which do not have a scientific basis and may result in illness in the general population and the medical profession alike”
“This symbolic protest is being ordered to show that Public Health doctors cannot take responsibility for decisions which are taken without their knowledge and/or against their advice, and which may result in serious harm to their health or their colleagues,” MAM said.
All other MAM directives remain suspended, but may be reactivated should implementation and enforcement of the public health measures announced on Monday not be satisfactory.
What do you think of the decision to strike? Comment below