Don’t Blame The Rain: Tal-Qroqq Tunnel Tiles Weren’t Dislodged By Bad Weather, Ian Borg Insists

Rainfall didn’t cause the dislodging of blue tiles outside the Tal-Qroqq tunnels in Regional Road, Transport Minister Ian Borg has insisted.
Earlier this month, a photo of some of the new tunnel tiles dislodged during a day of heavy rainfall led to criticism that they weren’t weather resistant.
However, Borg has now said in an interview with Times of Malta that the tiles had actually been dislodged the previous day for maintenance purposes.
“Coincidentally, it rained the next day, and as the Maltese do, everyone began attacking me on Facebook the next day as though I had gone to a bathroom store and chosen the pattern myself,” he said with a laugh.
The minister refused to give his personal opinion on the tiles, which were erected by Infrastructure Malta as part of a tunnel refurbishment project.
“When I drive past it, I’ll have my eyes on the road and when I’m a passenger I’ll be answering my emails. I can’t say I dislike it though. I’ve been told its washable too, so we won’t see blackened walls due to exhaust.”
Do you like the new blue tiles at the Tal-Qroqq tunnels?