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Emma Portelli Bonnici and Albert Buttigieg Contesting Casual Election To Take Robert Arrigo’s Seat

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Emma Portelli Bonnici and St Julian’s mayor Albert Buttigieg have both submitted their nomination for the casual election to take PN MP Robert Arrigo’s vacant seat.

Former Deputy Leader Arrigo died last week after a battle with cancer, with the party losing one of its pillars.

“It is because of my respect for and loyalty towards the people of the 10th district – especially those who voted for me in various preferences – and my respect for the democratic process in its totality that I have just submitted my nomination for the casual election, come what may,” Portelli Bonnici announced this morning.

“This is what is necessary for a democratic country that recognises the importance of a seat in parliament and respects the electoral process that it is constitutionally bound to uphold.”

“With utmost respect towards the democratic process and the citizens of the 10th district, I am nominating myself for the casual elections,” Buttigieg announced yesterday.

The casual election is set to be held on 28th October, and so far, only Buttigieg and Portelli Bonnici have announced their candidacy.

Buttigieg received the most votes out of the candidates who did not manage to secure a seat during the last general election. He was the one who received the most of Arrigo’s excess votes during the general election.

Portelli Bonnici, meanwhile, performed relatively well in her first-ever general election and had dropped out just before Buttigieg.

Former MP Karl Gouder is the only other remaining candidate who can submit a nomination for the casual election.

What do you make of these two candidates?

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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