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Environment, Health, And War: What Matters Most To The Maltese In 2024

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A survey conducted earlier this year across the EU has revealed the top concerns for Maltese citizens in 2024, and it’s clear that health, the environment, and war are dominating the national conversation.

The study, carried out by BVA Xsight, surveyed over 22,000 people from all 27 EU countries, including Malta, between 27th March and 9th April.

It comes as no surprise that health is the number one concern for most Maltese respondents taking part in the survey. 

After navigating the COVID-19 pandemic and continuing worries about the healthcare system’s capacity, 2024 sees Maltese citizens deeply focused on personal and public health. The concern with health also resonates with younger people across Europe, with it being the top issue for those under 30 in the EU.

The environment comes in second as a major issue for Maltese people, and interestingly, it’s more of a concern here than in many other EU countries.

While environmental awareness is rising across Europe, 35% of Maltese respondents reported that climate change and sustainability are top priorities — higher than the EU average.

Fighting climate change is important to 82% of Europeans, with 43% considering it a top priority, especially in southern European countries like Malta, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Cyprus, which are more affected by droughts and heatwaves.

While 67% of Europeans have changed their behaviour over the past year, only 13% have made significant, deep changes, though southern countries continue to invest in sustainability efforts.

In Malta, where the effects of climate change can already be noticed, each summer brings record heatwaves, and many environmental injustices happen on the daily, it’s not a surprise that the environment has become a key issue for citizens.

War is the third most pressing concern in Malta, which reflects the turbulent geopolitical landscape in Europe.

The war in Ukraine has had ripple effects throughout the EU, and Malta is no exception. Worries about global instability and its potential impact on our small island remain high in 2024, making it a significant issue for many.

Meanwhile, the four main concerns of all European citizens are health, war, and purchasing power and the environment at a tie, with purchasing power replaced by taxes for youths under 30.

What do you make of these findings?

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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