European Parliament Announces Investigative Journalism Award Dedicated To Daphne Caruana Galizia

The Bureau of the European Parliament has just approved a proposal to have a journalist prize named after the late Daphne Caruana Galizia.
The ‘Daphne Caruana Galizia Prize for Investigative Journalism’ aims to honour European investigative journalists for their work and promote media freedom and freedom of expression. It was hailed by the European Parliament Vice-President Heidi Hautala and European Parliament Quaestor David Casa who will now be responsible, among others, to define the rules of the prize, which will then be approved by the Bureau.
“Daphne Caruana Galizia was a first class investigative journalist. She was courageous and fearless. She was assassinated because of her investigate work. She is an inspiration,” they said in a joint statement.
“It is our hope that this prize will inspire others to be brave, resilient and uncompromising in their search for truth – just like Daphne.”
A resolution calling for the creation of the award was first introduced on 15 November 2017 but it was only yesterday that the proposal to have the prize created was approved by the bureau, which is presided over by European Parliament president David Sassoli.
Proud to announce that @Europarl_EN has just launched the #DaphneCaruanaGalizia Prize for Investigative Journalism.
Daphne was a fearless, first-class journalist. This prize will keep her memory alive + inspire others to be similarly resilient + uncompromising in their work.
— David Casa (@DavidCasaMEP) December 17, 2019
“In the past weeks, I have made constant pressure to ensure that what Parliament voted for in the aftermath of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder is implemented. The European Parliament was always on the forefront in the protection of journalists, as well as to ensure that corruption and money laundering cases revealed by such journalists are investigated and those involved are brought to justice,” Casa noted.
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