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Eve Borg Bonello Compares Robert Abela To Hitler In Fiery Parliament Speech

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Nationalist MP Eve Borg Bonello has compared Prime Minister Robert Abela to Adolf Hitler in a parliamentary speech deriding the government’s proposed changes to the Standards Commissioner law.

“We are here to discuss a law that will allow Robert Abela to become a dictator without any checks and balances by Parliament, which is supposed to be the highest institution in the land,” Borg Bonello said.

“Such laws don’t exist in normal democratic countries, where people want power to be controlled, limited and exercised responsibly, even in the smallest things, because abuse reigns when checks and balances are absent. The Standards Commissioner Law is designed to control Parliament and the country’s high-ranking positions.”

Former Chief Justice Joseph Azzopardi (Photo: TVM)

Former Chief Justice Joseph Azzopardi (Photo: TVM)

The government has proposed an anti-deadlock mechanism to the Standards Commissioner bill that would allow the official to be appointed with a simple majority on the third round of voting.

It proposed the mechanism after the Opposition rejected its choice to the role, former Chief Justice Joseph Azzopardi, without giving a reason for its objection.

Borg Bonello compared this bill to Nazi Germany’s infamous Enabling Act of 1933, which granted the German Cabinet the power to bypass the Reichstag when passing laws.

“When a position like this is based solely on the will of one side of the House, checks and balances disappear, and the position becomes a repressive one,” she warned.

“That was what happened in the thirties, when the Italian Fascists and the German Nazis voted in Parliament to strip their governments off this type of control. A little bit of research will immediately show you that authoritarian governments always use this recipe.”

The young MP went on to question whether the government intends to change more democratic laws to further its grip on power.

“Will it remove elections to simplify the government’s work? At the end of the day, we are here as an Opposition to represent the people who voted for us, and if the PN is silenced, everyone who didn’t vote against the government will also be silenced.”

“History shows that dictators and their allies never tell their people that they intend to take over and become dictators, but do what this government is doing and come up with excuses such as improving efficiency. Democratic power is then eroded bit by bit until the government controls all forms of power – this is what happens in countries where the concept of free democracy is inexistent.”

Borg Bonello brought up the police’s decision to prosecute satirist Matt Bonanno over a joke he made against River of Love as a sign the government is moving further towards autocracy.

“We are slowly edging closer towards becoming a dictatorship and this behaviour has even been criticised by one of its former ministers. We have learned absolutely nothing as a country – the government hasn’t understood that it is a government of the people and not just an extension of the Labour Party, and it cannot understand that the Standards Commissioner is responsible to Parliament and not to one side of the House.”

She urged the government to replace the bill with one that would enshrine the importance of a two-thirds Parliament vote for the Standards Commissioner within the Constitution.

“That is what a government that believes in democracy would do – strengthen our institutions by making them more independent from the government of the day and ensuring they are trusted by two-thirds of MPs.”

What do you make of Eve Borg Bonello’s speech?

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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