Explorer Proposes Camping Site At Fort Bengħajsa

With the government pledging to return Fort Bengħjasa to the public, exploration enthusiast Conrad Neil Gatt has proposed that it be partially converted into a camping site.
The proposal envisages an outdoor area where people can erect their tents, as well as indoor dormitories, toilets and a kitchenette.
Conrad told Lovin Malta that he would like the British-era Birżebbuġa fortress to form part of a cultural heritage trail, where hikers and trekkers can rest overnight.
He said campers should pay a €5-€10 fee to use the camping site, with higher charges for dormitories, as well as a €50 deposit that will be returned once wardens ascertain that they have cleaned up after themselves.
He also proposed that guides give historic tours of the fortress on certain days of the week.
“Let’s not be silent, let’s be the change we want to see and stick our necks out for what made us who we are and what will define us in the future,” Conrad said.
“Our ancestors wrote the past, now let us write the future together.”
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