Father Of Italian Teen Who Fell Four Storeys Said She Was Escaping Her Boyfriend’s Abuse

The father of a young Italian woman who fell four storeys from a hotel balcony in Paceville said she was trying to escape her boyfriend while he was beating her.
“My daughter is not crazy, she didn’t throw herself off the balcony because of a simple argument: she was beaten and tried to run away to save herself,” Claudia Chessa’s father, Silvano Chessa, told Sardinian media.
Silvano recounted what his daughter told him, explaining that they went out to a club around fifty metres from the hotel. An argument broke out between her and her boyfriend, who was under the influence of drugs, and she insisted on going back to the hotel because she didn’t like the atmosphere. He got mad at her decision to leave and started insulting and hitting her until they arrived to their hotel room and his aggression multiplied.
Silvano went on to say that there is CCTV footage from outside the window and that Claudia was running away screaming and asking for help before she jumped out of the balcony to escape.
“She was beaten and has the marks all over her body. She was hit in the face, her hair was pulled and torn out, which is now missing, he bit her and punched her in the chest.”
The aggressor, Alessio Lupo, 27, who is also from Sardinia, was arraigned in court last Friday, where he was accused of intimidating and threatening his girlfriend, causing her slight injuries, and possessing an illegal substance. He pleaded guilty and was fined €250 and released on the condition that he does not commit another offence within three years.
Italian media said she already returned to Sardinia.
This horrific incident occurred last week when Claudia fell from a hotel in Paceville while on holiday with her boyfriend. She was seriously injured by the fall but not at risk of dying.
She was found by rescue teams beneath the hotel and was taken to Mater Dei hospital, the police treated this as a domestic violence case.
Her father told the media that her health is improving but she now has to undergo back surgery due to fractures she suffered on the fall. Thankfully, the fall was partially cushioned by an awning which might have saved her life, investigators determined.