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Finance Commentator Questions Whether Church Radio Station Axed His Show Over Remarks On APS Takeover Of HSBC

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Financial markets commentator Paul Bonello has been informed by the Church’s radio station RTK that his fortnightly show on the station has been suspended, allegedly over his public comments regarding the proposed sale of HSBC to APS Bank. The Maltese Archdiocese and the Gozo diocese hold a combined 67.9% shareholding in the bank.

“I have been advised by the RTK Management that my participation in the programme has been suspended with immediate effect,” Bonello wrote in a Facebook post this afternoon.

“Does this have anything to do with my expression of opinion – both from an economic and regulatory point of view as well as from a Catholic practitioner point of view – regarding the APS potential acquisition of HSBC operations?” he asked.

Bonello went on to the criticise what he described as the church authorities, questioning whether this was the way they reacted to criticism. “Is it possible that they treat freedom of expression with such disdain and contempt? Is this the approach of the Church with the laity?”

He ended by evoking the memory of one of the more turbulent chapters of Malta’s past which saw the Catholic church declare a vote for the Labour Party to be a mortal sin.

“Will I be charged with committing a mortal sin (dnub mejjet)? Will they give me a proper catholic burial in a church?”

Like many others last week, Bonello was closely following the news, first about HSBC’s potential exit from Malta, and later about the possibility that APS Bank acquiring it. A number of his comments were directed towards the Church and its leadership here in Malta.

No issue with Paul Bonello’s opinions – RTK103

In a statement issued later in the day, RTK103 said it had communicated to Bonello that changes were being made to the financial literacy segment of Christine Delicata’s radio programme ‘Għal Kulħadd’. The change, it said, was the result of  “a sponsor being acquired for this segment”.

“Changing line-ups of presenters and, in his case, guests, is normal practice with the launch of new schedules especially when content is sponsored,” RTK103 said.

“Mr Bonello can rest assured that decisions in this regard have absolutely nothing to do with his comments in the media. RTK103 has never taken issue with him or any other guests on this topic.”

What do you make of Bonello’s comments?

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Yannick joined Lovin Malta in March 2021 having started out in journalism in 2016. He is passionate about politics and the way our society is governed, and anything to do with numbers and graphs. He likes dogs more than he does people.

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