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Foreign Ministry Advises Against Non-Essential Travel To The Holy Land Amid Tensions

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The Ministry for Foreign, European Affairs, and Trade has issued a travel advisory recommending that individuals avoid all non-essential travel to the Holy Land due to the current turbulent situation.

The safety and security of Maltese nationals are paramount, prompting the Ministry to advise citizens to exercise caution and stay informed about the evolving circumstances in the area.

In line with this advisory, Air Malta has cancelled its flights scheduled for Monday 9th October and Wednesday 11th October between Malta and Ben Gurion airports.

The cancellation comes as a direct response to the volatile situation on the ground, prioritising the safety of passengers and crew members.Maltese nationals currently in Israel requiring assistance can reach out to the Embassy in Israel at 00972522575708 or the Representative Office to Palestine at 00972548992228.

These offices stand ready to provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure the safety of Maltese citizens during this period of heightened tension. For those in Malta wishing to get in touch with the Ministry directly, the contact number is 0035622040000.

The Ministry for Foreign, European Affairs, and Trade continues to closely monitor the situation and will provide updates as necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of Maltese citizens both at home and abroad. Citizens are encouraged to stay updated on the latest developments and adhere to the advice and instructions provided by the authorities.

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