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‘Former Ministers Chris Cardona And Carmelo Abela Used Us’, Degiorgio Brothers Claim In Public Letter

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The Degiorgio brothers, the two men who have admitted to the murder of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, have claimed that former ministers Carmelo Abela and Chris Cardona used them.

These claims were made in a letter that was later released to the public, mentioning a number of ex-Ministers, lawyer David Gatt, and high-ranking members of the police corp and army. 

“We ended up being used by various people including former ministers Carmelo Abela and Chris Cardona, lawyers like David Gatt who was very active, and high-ranking members of the police corps and army,” Alfred Degiorgio and George Degiorgio claimed in the letter.

“Worse still, we believe that in certain cases, justice is being used to twist the truth so as to accuse people who, as far as we know, had nothing to do whatsoever with these crimes.”

“We are not society’s monsters, as they’re depicting us to be.”

In the public letter, the pair also claimed that Caruana Galizia was being monitored by secret services before her assassination in 2017.

The brothers also expressed that they are ready to provide information about former minister Chris Cardona, former chief of staff Keith Schembri, ex-Police Commissioner Lawrence Cutajar as well as certain lawyers, persons of trust, and secret services officials.

Referring to the government’s offer of a €1 million prize for information about the murder, they said it was “farcical” and “a ploy” to make sure that “whoever was truly involved would be made out as being a virgin”.

“Whoever was granted a pardon twisted the truth and we believe that he is being coached,” they wrote, referring to middleman Melvin Theuma. 

In the concluding notes and a final plea, the brothers appealed to President George Vella to intervene, claiming that citizens have been misled by people interested only in protecting themselves.

A few months back, the Degiorgio brothers admitted to killing Caruana Galizia and were sentenced to 40 years in prison.

As a reaction to the public letter, Corrine Vella, Daphne Caruana Galizia’s sister, said that the brothers are only trying to derail pending murder proceedings.

“George Degiorgio is a convicted murderer who admitted in an interview with Reuters that, to him, murdering Daphne was “business as usual”.”

“He was willing to blow up Daphne’s car when other members of Daphne’s family were travelling with her, to collect payment for killing Daphne herself.”

“Rather than face a jury trial and lifetime imprisonment, George and Alfred Degiorgio admitted to killing Daphne and have been sentenced to 40 years in prison.”

“The Degiorgios’ and another murderer’s convictions for Daphne’s contract killing are thanks to a small group of people working – at great risk to themselves – to bring all of Daphne’s murderers to justice.”

“The attempt by two of Daphne’s murderers to derail pending murder proceedings should be seen in this perspective.”

What do you make of these recent revelations? 

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Sasha is a writer, creator, and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa and send her your stories at [email protected]

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