Four Days In And More Than 5,000 KM To Go! Steve Chetcuti Has Begun His Transatlantic Journey

It has been just over four days since Steve Chetcuti embarked on the most daring and courageous challenge of his life – rowing 6,000 kilometers across the Atlantic Ocean.
The 50-year-old amateur athlete set off from Portima in Portugal on 1st March at 5.13pm heading towards Kourou in French Guiana. If he manages, Chetcuti will join a handful of Maltese to complete the transatlantic journey.
In 2011, Thomas Cremona, a cancer survivor, completed a similar journey, leaving from Morroco and arriving in Barbados.
Thankfully, Chetcuti he isn’t alone. Chetcuti joins a crew of four others braving the open sea in a Rannoch 45 boat in an attempt to break the world record set at 48 days, 4 hours, and 30 minutes.

“We’re off. Feeling excited and a bit nervous. If all goes very well, we’ll reach South America in as little as 45 days. Let’s do this!” Chetcuti said on his blog.
Currently, Chetcuti and the crew are currently off the coast of Casablanca and nearing their first waypoint 598 kilometers from the start and 5,378 kilometers from the finish.

The almost two-month-long journey has taken years of preparation, including hours of conditioning, high-intensity training, and even 24-hour rows. Though breaking a world record is enough motivation in itself, Chetcuti has in fact undertaken the challenge for a much more noble cause.
Two years ago, Chetcuti lost his older brother, Michael, to cancer and this journey is dedicated to Hospice Malta and the staff who helped his family cope with the loss.
Two other charities will also benefit from Chetcuti’s rowing challenge; Swiss Cancer League, a non-profit organisation attending to all aspects of cancer and Terre des Hommes, a Swiss child relief agency.
And you too can be a part of Chetcuti’s journey by making a donation here.
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