Franco Debono: ‘Some People Imagining Justice Reforms Where They Aren’t Needed’

Lawyer and former PN MP Franco Debono has warned that some people who aren’t experts in the justice system are proposing unnecessary reforms to it.
“I observe in silence, I understand everyone’s pain, and therefore, with empathy and compassion, I speak sparingly,” Debono said.
“However, I cannot forget how, when as a Nationalist MP, I proposed a holistic reform for the justice and home affairs systems and the constitution, reforms that over time were eventually embraced by everyone and adopted lock, stock, and barrel, including through the Bonello report that came later, I was insulted, mocked, threatened, and intimidated, especially on certain blogs.”
“Not only did this not weaken me but it strengthened me.”
“If, instead of insults I had received support from certain individuals at that time, including from the government, much more could have been achieved.”
“Since then, many reforms have been implemented. Those who understand know what I’m talking about.”
Debono argued that the national situation has changed significantly since then.
“When I used to talk about reforms, it seemed as though I had no right to do so. However, now even the vegetable seller and the ironmonger have become justice experts whenever the topic arises and that’s fine.”
“When genuine reforms were necessary, I wasn’t allowed to speak. Now, there are those who imagine reforms even where they aren’t needed.”
“Not even the saying ‘Give bread to those who know how to eat it’ holds true anymore, because, blessed with God’s wisdom, there are people who think they know everything. Truly, a society turned upside down.”
“But I repeat, I speak sparingly because, unlike others, I have a big heart and understand everyone’s pain—even those who not only failed to understand my pain but caused it.”