Gozitans Who Work In Malta’s Private Sector Will Get €650 Travel Benefit
Gozo residents who work in the private sector in Malta will now apply for a €650 travel benefit, Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has announced.
The benefit, which already applies to Gozo residents who work in the public sector, is used to cover the travel expenses from crossing the channel every day to get their jobs.
Around 500 people stand to gain from the allowance, bringing the total number of beneficiaries up to 1,690.
Applicants will need to be Gozo residents and hold a full-time job in Malta. The allowance is split up into two batches dished out every six months. Teachers and other educators who do not work in the summer months will receive €525.
Access between Malta and Gozo has been up for debate in recent years, with the government pushing through with plans to establish a permanent link between the islands. So far, a controversial tunnel has been revealed. It is yet to start construction.
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