Heart Of Matter: Ongoing Mqabba Exhibition Features Earth Paintings And Ceramics

The latest exhibition at Mqabba’s Kamra ta’ Fuq features a collection of earth paintings and stoneware ceramics.
Victor Agius is currently showing Heart of Matter, with his latest ceramics dealing with an organic and primitive language that seems to emerge from a deserted primordial landscape.
“The core of Agius’s practice can be experienced through his shamanic gestures in which the primordial matter of terra rosa, ceramics, pigments, cement, and clay focus on how man uses nature and materials around him to practice his rituals to satisfy his material and spiritual needs while exposing his fragile existence,” curator Melanie Erixon explained.
“Some of these forms expose matter in its raw form through the matter, volcanic and rugged textures of earthy glazes. His artworks speak about the way matter, nature, and rituals are formed while their energy is transcended into ethereal experiences.”
“A number of Agius’s past projects created a dialogue with specific locations. In this particular exhibition, Agius is conversing with the village of Mqabba and its surrounding areas.”
“Some of the ceramic works are executed in a honeycomb hue reflecting the gleaming colour of the Globigerina Limestone which is extracted from the quarries surrounding the area.”
The works are said to be an homage to the quarries and catacombs located in Mqabba and the megalithic temples located in the vicinity of the quaint village.
Victor Agius is a multi-disciplinary artist who works in sculpture, painting, video, performance, and installation.
He enjoys roaming the island like a nomad, documenting its rituals and collecting clay and earth from excavations made continuously by construction companies. His local familiar landscape is treated as his materia prima to elicit universal existential themes.
His works deal with mankind’s relation with the earth and its consumption for spiritual, ritualistic, and for quotidian reasons.
The exhibition launched on 17th March and is open until 9th April.
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