Honorary Citizen Charmaine Gauci! Superintendent Of Public Health Crowned With Prestigious Siġġiewi Award

Superintendent of Public Health Charmaine Gauci, and longtime resident of Siġġiewi, has been awarded a merit of honour by the village’s local council.
Last week, a motion was put forward by local councillors Alessia Psaila Zammit, Julian Borg and Francine Farrugia to award Gauci with a prestigious merit in light of her exemplary work and fortitude in managing the COVID-19 pandemic.
And just ten days later, the Siġġiewi Local Council voted unanimously to see this motion through.
“Thank you Professor Charmaine Gauci for your work. The merit is all yours but the honour that you reside among us, belongs to the Siggiwin,” Psaila Zammit said in a Facebook post.
Gauci was a beacon of hope throughout the COVID-19 pandemic with her daily press briefings that inspired and incited hope in the Maltese people even during the toughest of times.
After terminating her daily briefings last week, calls were made for Gauci to receive the country’s highest award, the Ġieħ ir-Repubblika.
Gauci also won “Most Inspirational Person” at this year’s Lovin Malta’s Social Media awards… but we’ll be the first to admit that it isn’t quite as impressive as a Ġieħ ir-Repubblika.