Inspections Find No Maltese Businesses Breaching New Coronavirus Closure Laws

No business has been found breaching the closure legal notice introduced by Prime Minister Robert Abela earlier this week in light of COVID-19.
Following the announcement of the Legal Notice which closed all bars, restaurants, gyms, casinos, cinemas and bingo halls, inspections were carried out by Malta Tourism Authority officers who tallied a total of zero establishments breaking the law.
Inspections were carried out around the areas of St Julian’s, Gżira, Msida, St Paul’s Bay, Buġibba, Marsascala, Fgura, Valletta, and Floriana on the evening of Tuesday 17th.
“We are committed to work hand on hand with the relevant authorities to ensure that no breaches of the Public Health regulations occur. By ensuring compliance, we will be doing our part to safeguard the wellbeing of the public and to a speedy return to normal operations for our industry,” said MTA CEO Johann Buttigieg
Malta’s streets have been eerily quiet as a result of the legal notice – which was introduced to help curtail the local transmission of COVID-19.
Those who are found breaking the notice will be fined €3,000 every time the order is breached.
If you do find any establishment disobeying the legal notice please contact the appropriate authorities on this helpline +356 21692447.