It’s A Bird! It’s A Plane! No, It’s A Dr. Juice And A Maltese Flag Launched Into Space

Dr. Juice has taken the local symbol of solidarity, that of raising Maltese flags in the community, to a whole new level.
In fact it was literally out of this world.
The health food business launched their iconic smoothie cup, together with a Maltese flag, 34,000 feet into the air as an act of solidarity with Maltese in the fight against COVID-19.
Using a helium weather balloon attached to a makeshift platform and GoPros, they launched the cup in the stratosphere.
Watch as it floats above the earth, taking the Maltese flag higher than its ever been before.
After it’s dramatic ascent above our planet the cup freefalls back to Malta where it was retrieved and disposed of safely and responsibly after retrieving the footage.
“We will make it through this, and till then we need to continue to live, to love, to give; so that when the day comes we can all reach for the sky once again to celebrate together,“ Dr Juice founder John Winfield said.