It’s Official: The Morning-After Pill Is Not Illegal

Victory may have come earlier than expected for the 102 Maltese women who just last week filed a judicial protest for the Government to legalise the morning-after pill.
This afternoon, hours after Lovin Malta published an article stating the morning-after pill may not be illegal after all, the chairman of the Medicine Authority has made it official.
Professor Anthony Serracino Inglott said the reason the emergency contraception was not available in Malta was because nobody’s ever applied to license it.
He admitted that when the women’s organisation asked the authority about the legal status of the pills, he told them they could be illegal.
“But an official request was never filed,” he told TVM News.
Professor Anthony Serracino Inglott also confirmed that pills with the same active ingredients as the morning-after pill were already on the market. He stressed the morning-after pill was not abortive.
“If you read the packet insert which describes how it works, it is very clear it prevents ovulation or fertilisation. It continues to say it does not stop implantation,” he said.
Meanwhile, Civil Liberties Minister Helena Dalli said she had “no problem” with this contraceptive pill.
So the question is: How many applications will the authority receive this week?