‘It’s Unfortunate,’ Says LESA Chief After 1,300 Maskless People Fined In Malta Last Week
LESA’s chief executive officer has said it’s unfortunate that so many people have been caught breaking the mandatory mask-wearing law, with practically 1,300 abusers found in the past week alone.
“A lot of fines were issued but it means we have more work to do collectively,” Svetlick Flores said in an interview with Lovin Malta, which will be published later today. “We would like to reach a situation where no fines are issued because we’re ultimately not here to fine people but to enforce the legal notices that are periodically issued.”
However, he said there are signs that more people are wearing masks this week than they were last week.
“People are cooperating more and perhaps they feel they need to cooperate more. If one follows the media and sees the rise in COVID-19 cases, then maybe you’ll grow more conscious and cooperate more.”
LESA’s community officers issued a total of 1,296 mask fines between 26th October and 1st November, following around 2,800 inspections in streets, shops, public transport and the Gozo Channel.
Those fined must pay €100, which will be reduced to €50 if they’re paid before proceedings commence in front of the Commissioner for Justice.
Lovin Malta’s interview with Svetlick Flores will be published later today.