Joseph Muscat Headed To London Today In Fourth Trip Since Announcing His Resignation

Outgoing Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is headed to London today in his latest unofficial trip abroad.
His trip to the English capital will be his fourth journey abroad for Muscat in recent weeks, who has been everywhere from Dubai to the Vatican to Bethlehem.
Of these four trips, only Bethlehem was announced as an official visit.
Lovin Malta can report that Muscat will be travelling with his wife and two daughters to London today, and they will be flying business class.
While personal photos from the Bethlehem and Vatican trips were uploaded to Muscat’s social media accounts during his visits, images from his Dubai trip were not.
While he is abroad, Chris Fearne will be acting Prime Minister.
His foreign outings come during a tumultuous Christmas period following unprecedented unrest in the country, with protestors filling the Valletta streets following bombshell revelations that some of the highest officials in Maltese politics may have been involved in the planned assassination of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.
Muscat has pledged to resign on January 12th following a Labour Party leadership contest but said he needed to stay on until that happens. Throughout this period, Muscat has been on holiday and is set to head on his fourth trip overseas today.