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Joseph Muscat Warns Cabinet Removal Of Edward Scicluna Would Probably Be Illegal

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Former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has warned that Cabinet could be in breach of the law if it decides to force Edward Scicluna out of his job as Central Bank Governor next week.

Muscat spoke to Lovin Malta after a Times of Malta report indicated that Cabinet is planning to force Scicluna out on Tuesday if he refuses to resign voluntarily in light of his recent indictment over the Vitals-Steward inquiry.

“The idea that Cabinet can force the removal of the Central Bank Governor goes against the independence of institutions and will likely be found to be illegal,” Muscat, who has also been indicted over the same inquiry, said.

“Moreover, in the case of Edward Scicluna, it is an insensitive political position towards a person who provided many years of his life to the country.”

“The Governor of Slovakia is in a similar situation, which he says is politically instigated, and he retained his position.”

“The Governor of Latvia was removed by the Government, and the European Central Bank itself brought the Government before the European Court and won the case, while the position had to remain vacant.”

“This is information that can easily be confirmed, and I am surprised that no one mentioned it.”

“The Central Bank Governor is an independent position and cannot be forced to do anything by the Government. If he is found guilty, the ECB rules mean he will be automatically removed.”

“Until then, he should remain in his position, as others did. This is the rule of law. No matter what the Opposition says. No matter what those who pretend not to be in the Government and act as though they are in charge say.”

Slovakian Central Bank governor Peter Kažimír, who is fighting a corruption ruling, has also defied calls to resign.

Latvia’s former Central Bank Governor Ilmārs Rimšēvičs was accused of accepting bribes and a fishing trip to Russia from shareholders of a now defunct bank.

While he did indeed win the initial case with the backing of the ECB, the European Court of Justice later ruled against him by arguing that conduct “manifestly not committed in his official capacity” was not covered by immunity to central bank officials. Rimšēvičs was later sentenced to six years in prison.

Scicluna, who served as Finance Minister from 2013 to 2020, has been charged with fraud in connection with the Vitals-Steward inquiry and is pleading not guilty. He has refused to step down from his role at the Central Bank.

According to today’s Times report, the government is planning to force him out and replace him with deputy governor Alexander Demarco.

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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