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Labour Endorses Karl Gouder’s Family’s Request For Information

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The Labour Party has said it supports a plea by Karl Gouder’s family for anyone with information in the days leading up to his death to come forward.

“The PL fully supports and associates itself with the request made by the Gouder family for all possible information that could assist the police and inquiring magistrate in connection with the tragic death of former MP Karl Gouder,” a statement read.

“The PL reiterates the solidarity it expressed with the Gouder family when Karl’s death was announced and its wish that the whole truth emerges.”

“Karl Gouder was a politician respected by all, dedicated to the service he undertook, as well as to the Maltese community and society. He worked without ever harming anyone.”

“This is a moment where maturity must prevail as much as national unity.”

The Nationalist Party also issued a callout for information, stating that anyone who contributed to Gouder’s death must face justice.

“No one should be afraid to speak about what they know. The Partit Nazzjonalista will be a shelter and a source of support for those who choose to help in the search for truth and justice,” the PN promised.

“We expect and demand the same from the authorities and institutions of our country.”

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Tim is interested in the rapid evolution of human society and is passionate about justice, human rights and cutting-edge political debates. You can follow him on Instagram or Twitter/X at @timdiacono or reach out to him at [email protected]

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