Labour Warns PN Wants Politicians To Interfere In Court Proceedings

After the Nationalist Party blamed the government for Yorgen Fenech’s bail, the Labour Party warned the PN wants politicians to interfere in judicial processes.
“The Nationalist Party has once again confirmed that its understanding of the rule of law is that of interfering in judicial processes,” the PL said.
“The PN, now completely led by the extremist faction within it, is only able to come up with deeply politically partisan comments when faced by independent court decisions.”
“Whilst one understands the thoughts and feelings shared by the aggrieved family, politically partisan comments made by the PN deserve only to be discarded.”
“The Labour Government carried out unprecedented reforms within the justice sector and shall continue to do so in the best interest of justice.”
“These reforms strengthened the Court’s independence. The Labour Government also strengthened the tools and resources to ensure that no one escapes justice.”
“In the case that the PN wants to use for politically partisan ends, every person implicated in this murder is either undergoing a judicial process or has already been sentenced.”