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Leisure Boats Speeding Next To Divers Are Being Spotted And Reported To Police

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The HPF Ranger unit has warned against the potentially lethal actions of mariners operating their vessels at high speeds in Maltese waters.

As more boats hit the Maltese seas than ever, a number of leisure craft were caught speeding over a short period of time, passing too close to divers, endangering their lives.

“This morning, several vessels were once again seen speeding close to the Special Marker Buoy of Ċirkewwa Marine Park, as well as going closer than 100m to divers’ flag. We have reported these cases to Transport Malta and legal action will be taken,” the HPF Rangers wrote on social media.

“Every time we patrol the area we see several vessels speeding. It’s a constant thing – and they’re all being reported,” one of the rangers told Lovin Malta. 

“Diving flags at the surface, next to the Special Marker Buoy, are all totally disregarded by speeding vessels with little chance to avoid a potentially lethal crash.”

“The area has both CCTV as well as Rangers equipped with 90x optical zoom camcorders to efficiently identify the vessels endangering divers and marine life.”

The ranger unit also promised to report every single case of speeding in this dangerous manner, until the practice stops.

“We urge Mariners to be responsible both for the lives of swimmer and divers but also marine life,” it concluded. 

Just a few days back, the ranger unit similarly appealed for mariners to operate with complete safety after more vessels were caught speeding.

“We wish to urge all mariners to adhere to the Notice to Mariners 7 of 2020: “… they are not to exceed the speed limit of 10 knots when navigating within 200m from rocky shores” and “… to give a wide berth of not less than 100m from Diver or Alpha flag”.

For commercial vessels it also reminded the skippers of the SOLAS regulations and for them to keep a safe distance to the Marine Park as a whole.

Have you ever encountered speeding vessels? 

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Sasha is a content creator, artist and podcast host interested in environmental matters, humans, and art. Some know her as Sasha tas-Sigar. Inspired by nature and the changing world. Follow her on Instagram at @saaxhaa

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