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23-Year-Old Sentenced To Six-Years After Assaulting Paceville Security

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Twain Sciberras, a 23-year-old Birżebbuġa local was sentenced to six years in prison for beating two security guards in December 2019 when out with his uncle in Paceville.

A supervisor at Bacco Bar in Paceville testified to Sciberras’ uncle causing a raucous at the bar since the barman did not take his order since he “did not understand Maltese”.

When the supervisor went to inquire as to what was happening, the situation escalated, with the nephew Sciberras getting involved and telling the witness that he has “hung around with the worst kind of people” and that they were going to “tear him up” if he called for help.

In order to avoid the situation spiralling further out of control, in front of the bar’s patrons, the supervisor invited the two men to the bar toilets so that they could discuss it privately.

However, this suggestion frustrated the two men further, and as tensions rose, the pair beat the supervisor, leaving him with nine blows to his face and head with a metal object. His injuries required 18 stitches.

A medico-legal expert subsequently confirmed that the injuries sustained by the victim resulted in a 5% permanent disability, an impairment to his lip’s movement, as well as a permanent scar that was apparent from a walking distance.

An Eden Cinemas security guard who had heard the commotion was asked by Sciberras “why are you looking at me?”

The then 19-year-old kicked a dustbin angrily, sending it flying into the middle of the road. The security officer commented “how clever of you”, to which the pair reacted by beating him, causing facial injuries.

The doctor who was brought in to Court to testify confirmed that the second victim had sustained a fracture above his eye and had suffered eyesight problems following the incident.

However, Sciberras and his uncle’s version of events were different. The pair denied ever using a weapon, and claimed self-defence.

That being said, CCTV footage from the club substantiated the first security guard’s rendition. The Court was also convinced beyond reasonable doubt that the second incident had occurred as explained by the Eden Cinemas security guard.

The now 23-year-old Sciberras was condemned to a term of imprisonment of six years. A restraining order of three years was also issued in favour of the victims. The Court mentioned that when fleshing out the punishment, it took into consideration that the accused had never apologised to the victims.

Despite the fact that Sciberras, now a tradesman and a father, has matured from the time of the “isolated” incident, the Court stated that given the nature of the charges, the perpetrator was not eligible for a suspended sentence or probation.

What do you make of this judgement? Let us know in the comments

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Clara is a massive foodie who recently graduated from the University of Malta as a lawyer. Her biggest passions in life are the performing arts, which she pursues professionally when she’s not too busy writing.

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