70% Of Children Adopted By Maltese Families Last Year Are From India
A record number of children were adopted by Maltese families in 2018, with 54 children being adopted last year.
Of those 54 adopted children, 38 of them (70.37%) are from India, eight are from Slovakia, seven are from Portugal and one is from Thailand.
The figures were given earlier today by Family Minister Michael Falzon in a conference about the Adoption National Strategy.
The minister said that 2018 was the best year for adoptions in the last 10 years, noting that the best interest of the children should always be the priority in these processes. He said he would be focusing on furthering the adoption strategy in Malta, going on to explain how the ministry had used a pool of up to €540,000 on helping the families.
The 54 families benefitted from up to €10,000 in funding each, given to them to help cover the high costs related to the process of adoption
Minister Falzon also noted that the fostering sector had made progress, praising those who stepped up to take care of young children in need.
Different countries have different rules of adoption with Malta, with India’s procedure being less complex and more accessible than most other countries. Minister Falzon explained that Malta was currently exploring new adoption agreements with countries like Bulgaria, and cited President Marie Louie Coleiro-Preca’s contribution in these agreements.
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