Forcing Pedestrians Off Pavements: Malta’s Government Issues Over 100 Tables & Chairs Applications In Sliema, Gżira And St Julian’s
In areas already starving for space, the government’s tables and chairs policy has slowly seen pedestrians forced to walk in a single file along the streets and promenades of Sliema, St Julian’s and Gżira, with 107 of such applications being approved since 2013.
A series of parliamentary questions asked by 10th District MP Karol Aquilina worryingly revealed how the number of approved applications appears to be on the rise. The twos and threes approved between 2013-2015 have now reached highs of 14 in recent years.
Replying, Infrastructure Minister Ian Borg also disclosed that the computer system at the Planning Authority does not provide any indication whether the applications being approved are on public land or not.
It has to be stressed that the problems caused by the policy are not solely a Sliema (39 applications), St Julian’s (44 applications) or Gzira (24 applications) issue, with the ever-shrinking pedestrian space bringing the ire of residents all over the island.
However, parliamentary figures have only be tabled for those three localities so far.
The policy, which was introduced in 2013 and targeted at promoting an ‘al fresco’ experience in touristic hubs, has been plagued by abuses. New policies aimed at curtailing encroachment abuse appears to have yielded few results, with daily illegalities regularly witnessed by residents.
In fact, local councils have regularly flagged their disproval at the haphazard dishing out such applications and the illegalities that come with it