‘I Am Desperate’: Lack Of Patient Beds Puts Strain On Maltese ALS Home Dar Bjorn

Dar Bjorn is struggling to house ALS and Multiple Sclerosis patients, with only one spare bed available per year until the new home is opened.
Despite their success, high levels of demand are putting pressure on Djar Bjorn due to the number of entities and individuals who want to be residents in the home.
To combat this, Dar Bjorn has created a weighted waiting list prioritising prospective patients according to age, number of days waiting, and the level of emergency.
In the event of an available bed, the top three candidates are passed on to Aġenzija Sapport for assessment and approval.
This process has shown to be highly taxing on the team at Dar Bjorn. For this reason, the foundation is calling on Minister Michael Falzon and Silvio Parnis to discuss and outline a fair admission process into these care homes.
Dar Bjorn will also be releasing a monthly waiting list of the top 20 candidates most deserving to enter the home in the hopes of making the process as transparent as possible.