Malta Recorded The Highest Immigration Rate Across The EU In 2022

Malta recorded the highest rate of immigration from EU and non-EU countries in 2022, with a number of 66 immigrants for every 1,000 Maltese residents.
In 2022, 5.1 million people immigrated to the EU from non-EU countries, according to recently released Eurostat data.
The inflow of immigrants from non-EU countries more than doubled compared to the estimated 2.4 million in 2021.
In 2022, there were an estimated 11 immigrants from non-EU countries per 1,000 residents in the EU.
Malta’s value was much higher than the estimated value throughout the EU, standing at 66 immigrants for every 1,000 Maltese residents, topping the EU charts for the country with the highest rate of immigrants.
Following suit were Luxembourg at a number of 48 immigrants per 1,000 residents and Estonia with 37 immigrants.
In contrast, Slovakia registered the lowest rate of immigration, with one immigrant per 1,000 residents.
The Eurostat report also provided data with regards to the number of foreign-born individuals in each EU country, with Malta, once again, being at the top of the ranks.
On 1st January 2023, more than a quarter of the Maltese population was foreign-born, meaning that the island had the second-highest share of foreign-born population in the EU.
A 28.3% of Malta’s population was foreign-born, according to the Eurostat data.
Topping the EU ranks was Luxembourg, with more than half (50.4%) of the population being foreign-born.
In contrast, the lowest shares were recorded in Poland (2.5%).
What do you make of there figures?