Marsaskala Promenade Partially Collapses As Deputy Mayor Says Council Flagged Problem With Authorities

Part of the pavement along the Marsaskala coast promenade collapsed this morning, with the area cordoned off and maintenance work set to commence tomorrow.
Marsaskala’s deputy mayor Janice Falzon said the local council has long been flagging infrastructural issues with the promenade with authorities.

“There are even technical reports which show that the promenades’ foundations require immediate attention,” Falzon said. “I urge the authorities to take the necessary action, as they did in other touristic zones before a tragedy occurs.”

Meanwhile, Marsaskala mayor Mario Calleja thanked Infrastructure Malta and other authorities for taking immediate action to cordon off the collapsed part of the promenade and urged people not to walk too close to it.
“The important thing is that no one was hurt,” he said.
Cover photo: Left: Marsaskala deputy mayor Janice Falzon (Photo: Facebook – Janice Falzon), Right: The Marsaskala promenade this morning (Photo: Facebook – Mario Calleja)
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