Protesters to Occupy Castille Square From Tomorrow

Protestors around Malta will be converging on Valletta tomorrow to set up camp in Castille Square.
Project Occupy Castille is a women-centred protest being organised by civil society with a clear statement: “we do not have faith in the Commissioner of the Police nor the Attorney General anymore”.
It will begin tomorrow at 6:30pm, with the idea that women are represented first to show solidarity with Daphne Caruana Galizia and men being asked to join later.
Similar to the occupation organised by Kamp Emergenza Ambjent two years ago, camps will be set up in the square in front of Castille and shifts will be undertaken to ensure protestors keep a strong presence at this highly visible spot in the country’s capital.
The organisers invite anyone who would like to join in to head to Castille Square tomorrow evening.