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Read In Full: Prime Minister Demands End To JeanPaul Sofia Magisterial Inquiry Be ‘Absolute Priority’

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Prime Minister Robert Abela has published a letter his office sent to Chief Justice Mark Chetchuti reiterating a call for a swift conclusion to the magisterial inquiry into the death of JeanPaul Sofia.

“I am writing to you with reference to my letter dated 13th April, 2023 about the fatal incident at Kordin, where a building collapsed and took the life of Jean Paul Sofia, and injured others.”

“I would like to inform you that yesterday Parliament united in an appeal to exercise powers at your prerogative, to ensure the this inquest is concluded so that justice can move forwards, and whoever is responsible for this will be held accountable.”

“With utmost respect to the independence of the Judiciary, and with Parliament’s full faith of the Parliament in this inquest, Parliament reiterates the appeal that cases such as this will be given absolute priority so that a clear message is sent to society – that incidents like these are not acceptable and that everyone will be held accountable for their actions.”

“Today, the statutory term within which the inquest is required to close in accordance with the Criminal Code (60 days), has been long expired and it is concerning for the Government and Parliament that despite this, there is no public indication that this inquiry is being given a priority.”

“I understand fully the requirements of the judiciaries’ work however it seems to me that while holding steadfast to these requirements, more sensitivity needs to be shown with cases like these.”

“With no disrespect towards you and the Judiciary, I cannot put aside my duty as Prime Minister and I am asking you to solicit the Inquiring Magistrate so that justice is served with the gravity of the case, and its conclusions can be reached and the inquest can be closed without any further delays.”

The informal petition organised and circulated by JeanPaul Sofia’s mother, Isabelle, has already got over 20,000 signatures, after being launched less than a week ago.

Yesterday, the PLs MPs voted unanimously against opening a public inquiry into the death of JeanPaul Sofia.

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READ NEXT: Robert Abela: 'If I Was In JeanPaul Sofia's Parents' Situation, I Would Have Done Much Worse'

Pawlu is a journalist interested in Race, Environmental Issues, Music, Migration and Skate Culture. Pawlu loves to swim everyday and believes that cars are an inadequate solution to our earthly woes. You can get in touch at [email protected]

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