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Reviving Sacred Art: The Transformation Of Ħal Kirkop’s Parish Church

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A remarkable transformation is unfolding within the sacred walls of its Parish Church of Ħal Kirkop.

Under the guidance and financial support of the Maltese Council for Arts and the Malta Airport Foundation, a vibrant new pictorial scheme is slowly coming to life, promising to rejuvenate the chapels and quadrants with a fresh artistic vision.

At the helm of this project is Anthony Spagnol, an artist renowned for his ability to weave contemporary themes into traditional frameworks, ensuring the church’s rich heritage is both preserved and celebrated. His work is a testament to the power of art in bridging past and future, creating a dialogue between generations through the universal language of beauty.

During a visit to the church,  Minister for National Heritage, Owen Bonnici, witnessed first-hand the progress being made.

“This initiative reflects the Government’s commitment to the preservation and celebration of our artistic heritage and identity as a country. Every investment in our heritage is an investment in ensuring that this heritage continues to be enjoyed by future generations,” he said.

Echoing this sentiment, Michael Pace Ross, the Administrative Secretary of the Archdiocese of Malta, emphasised the project’s role in honouring the legacy of those who have come before. By infusing the church with new life, this endeavour stands as a tribute to the ancestors who expressed their faith through art, passing down a vibrant heritage for future generations to cherish.

Kenneth Cassar, an art historian working closely with the Church of Ħal Kirkop, noted the delicate balance achieved between the original artworks by Giuseppe Briffa and Spagnol’s contemporary contributions.

This harmonious integration ensures that the church’s aesthetic reflects both its historical significance and its living, breathing role within the community.

The collective efforts of the Maltese Council for Arts, the Malta Airport Foundation, and numerous dedicated professionals and volunteers, including the parish priest Dun Martin Cardona, are a powerful reminder of the community’s commitment to preserving their cultural heritage.

Together, they are weaving a tapestry of faith and art that will inspire and uplift the spirits of all who enter the Parish Church of Ħal Kirkop.

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