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Sliema Mayor Assures That Everything Is Being Done To Protect Residents’ Interests

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Sliema Mayor John Pillow has assured Lovin Malta that the council is doing everything within its power to protect residents and their interests.

“Till today, the council has remained steadfast in objecting to all new permits for tables and chairs around our locality,” Pillow said, responding to questions sent by the newsroom regarding banners that have shown up across Sliema homes urging to “Stop destroying our town”.

Yesterday, Lovin Malta shared a clip of one of these banners on Tower Road Sliema but Pillow informed that this isn’t the only one.

“The banners you have shown in your article, have been placed on many balconies at the Strand and at Qui Si Sana. I am well aware of them since these and many other residents have approached myself and the Council a number of times. We met with Għaqda Residenti Slimiżi and also participated in the protest march, which was organised by them, in early May,” he said.

“I have expressed my opinion many times about the abuse of our public land which is being taken over by tables and chairs.Till today, the council has remained steadfast in objecting to all new permits for tables and chairs around our locality.”

He went on to say that “residents have also been complaining (rightly so) about what seems to be an increase in building permits, which is seeing extended floor heights and many change-of-use permits from shops to bars and restaurants”.

“I can assure you and your readers that, as we have done in the recent past when we scheduled a number of meetings with all stakeholders concerned, we will continue to do so in the new legislature, should I be confirmed as Mayor of Sliema and as I have done, I will continue to put Sliema residents and their well-being as my top priority.”

Lovin Malta sent the question yesterday morning but due to a miscommunication, Pillow was able to respond in the early evening.

What do you think needs to be done to stop “destroying” Sliema? Let us know in the comments below

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Ana is a university graduate who loves a heated debate, she’s very passionate about humanitarian issues and justice. In her free time you’ll probably catch her binge watching way too many TV shows or thinking about her next meal.

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