St John’s Co-Cathedral Refutes Claims Of ‘Collapse’ In Historic Crypt

The St. John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation have issued a statement to clarify recent reports of “collapses” that occurred within the Bartolott Crypt chamber.
Recent media coverage claimed that raised flooring installed in the Bartolott Crypt at the historic St John’s Co-Cathedral allegedly “caved in”, which had raised questions and concern about the ongoing restoration project.
The Shift News initially reported the scenario on 18th January, followed by a call for investigation by the Green Party ADPD.
The foundation released a statement regarding coverage on the case earlier today, stating “that at no time was there any ‘collapse’ in the existing floor, no damage sustained to the burial chambers beneath and, absolutely no degradation to the structural integrity of the historical structures, which remain uncompromised.”
The raised flooring was said to have been installed for showcases to be displayed while the limestone flagstones beneath could remain safeguarded.
It was reported that “localised settlement in select and few flagstones was corrected and consolidation works took place, in limited areas, such that any further compression of loose bedding material underlying the flagstones is avoided.”
Before any work proceeded, the foundation reassured that it acquired full approval from the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, followed by the necessary works being continued under the appropriate monitoring conditions.
“The public can rest assured that the foundation always worked to restore and preserve the history of the Co-Cathedral, as it has done in this case and will continue to do so in the future,” the statement concluded.