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This Sunday: ALS Malta To Host Annual Telethon ‘Sal-Aħħar Nifs’

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ALS Malta is gearing up for its annual telethon Sal-Aħħar Nifs, which will take place this Sunday 22nd September.

The goal is to raise funds for DAR Bjorn Respite project. This aims to provide temporary accommodation for neurological patients, especially when their families are unable to care for them due to personal reasons, such as undergoing medical treatment.

The DAR Bjorn Respite project is an important part of ALS Malta’s ongoing commitment to supporting over 400 patients in Malta. ALS already provides essential free services, including physiotherapy and counselling, offering much-needed relief to those affected by neurological conditions.

Bjorn Formosa, the founder of ALS Malta, was diagnosed with ALS at 28 years old. Now 37, his condition has progressed as he now relies on an eye-tracking device to communicate, inputting his words letter by letter. His voice was artificially recreated in English.

Lovin Malta will be present at this event covering the telethon live and bringing you updates throughout the day

Here’s how you can make a difference and donate:

SMS: 50619271 – €11.65  https://bit.ly/SMSdonation1165

Call on 5180 2018 – €25
51902075 – €50

BOV Mobile Pay – 79096249
Online – https://efr.alsmalta.org/support-the-dar-bjorn-telethon-donate-online-today/

Will you be donating to this telethon?

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Emma is currently pursuing a BA (Hons) in Journalism, driven by a passion for local politics.

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