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Watch: Bugsy The Prison Dog Wows Attendees With Tricks At Mosta Pet Blessing Ceremony

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Among the diverse number of pets and critters that attended the annual pet blessing ceremony in Mosta, one brave pup caught everyone’s eye with his cool yet adorable tricks!

Bugsy, the beloved correctional services agency dog, has comforted inmates, school children and the elderly alike throughout his career.

He’s since captured the hearts of everyone, making his routine appearances in schools, elderly homes and prisons, as well as distinguished events, like Jake Vella’s dog walk last December.

During his latest appearance at the pet blessing ceremony, Bugsy was doing his signature tricks in front of an adoring audience, even performing what looked like CPR on his trainer Ian Cuschieri, who graciously sent us the wholesome footage.

Well done Bugsy! You truly are a good boy!

Video credit to @iancuschieri on TikTok

READ NEXT: Adorable Scenes At Mosta Pet Blessing Ceremony

The new addition to the Lovin fam, Josmar's fresh out of MCAST with a Degree in Game Art and Visual Design. His knack for creative writing and design dates back to his fetus days and has since resulted in multiple unfinished passion projects. If you ever want to chat about fascinating life stories or the latest flavour of Monster, just look for the scruffy guy with tired eyes.

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