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Watch: PC Neil Bezzina Breaks Three Records And Becomes The U83kg National Champion

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Police Constable Neil Bezzina shattered three national records and secured his title as National Powerlifting Champion for the under 83kg category.

At the Malta National Powerlifting Championships on Saturday 10th November, Bezzina delivered a high-octane performance that earned him first place in his weight class AND overall with all weight classes combined!

Bezzina was an absolute beast, showing off his resilience by squatting an insane 236kg and bench pressing 161kg, breaking two national records in his weight class.

Not only that, with an additional 280kg deadlift, the total weight added up to 677kg, earning him another national record.

“Where do I start? 2 years and 3 months without skipping a single session. That’s all it took. Not going out every weekend like every other normal person. Taking time off to train. Skipping outings to train. Taking equipment with me on holidays to train. Training through broken fingers and tendonitis on my hip flexor. Training at abnormal hours and unwanted gym locations. Commitment, dedication and sacrifice is all it took,” Bezzina said in an Instagram post sharing his accomplishments.

Bezzina concluded by thanking his coach Shawn Farrugia and handler Maria Farrugia, who he credited for aiding in his care and strict regime.

Congratulations to PC Bezzina!

Image credit to The Malta Police Force / @maltapowerlifting

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Josmar's fresh out of MCAST with a Degree in Game Art and Visual Design. His knack for creative writing and design dates back to his fetus days and has since resulted in multiple unfinished passion projects. If you ever want to chat about fascinating life stories or the latest flavour of Monster, just look for the scruffy guy with tired eyes.

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