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LPTS Association Calls For Better Support Services After Cab Driver Gets Robbed

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The recent robbery of a cab driver in Malta has sparked serious concerns about the lack of support services in the industry, leading the Light Passenger Transport Services (LPTS) Association to issue a plea for stronger safety measures.

“The LPTS association has received numerous complaints similar to recent media reports of an alleged theft suffered by a ride hailing driver and believes this is the result of a lack of adequate support services in the industry,” it said in a statement.

“The association believes that given the growing nature of the ride hailing industry and the risks faced by drivers on the road everyday, it is high time that safety is given more importance by all parties involved.”

“The association strongly believes this is symptomatic of a wider problem in the industry and has long been raising concerns about the lack of 24/7 emergency support for drivers,” it continued. 

On 26th July, Aneesh Kuyilamparambil, a local cab driver, was robbed by three passengers in Safi, a village experiencing power cuts.

The perpetrators took off with the €400, debit cards, and documents that were in his backpack, leaving the driver to chase after them. Despite managing to retain his phone from one of the robbers, Kuyilamparambil was left distraught and unprotected.

Kuyilamparambil, an Indian national who has been living in Malta for the past two years, compared the experience to living in the unsafe environment of Yemen where he resided a decade ago. He reported the incident to both Uber and local police, who are still conducting investigations.

“While the details and nature of the case reported in the media on Tuesday remain unconfirmed by the authorities, this is far from an isolated incident.The association receives regular complaints from drivers of similar incidents,” the association continued. 

Uber has assured the cab driver of their cooperation with the investigation and has made changes in the app to reduce the chance of future interaction with the offenders.

Yet, for Kuyilamparambil and many other drivers, these assurances come after the damage has been done.

Currently, only one of the major platforms in Malta offers a round-the-clock helpline for drivers. Neither do drivers have a dedicated support service with the national regulator.

“At present only one of the major platforms in Malta operates a round-the-clock helpline which drivers can turn to in the case of an emergency.”

“Drivers do not have a dedicated support service with the national regulator either.”

With the ride-hailing industry growing and the risks faced by drivers on the road intensifying, the LPTS Association is calling for safety to be prioritised by all parties involved.

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