Malta Band Club Organisation Calls For ‘Prudence and Maturity’ If Festivities Take Place
The fate of band marches and other activities has been addressed by the Għaqda Każini tal-Banda in light of new COVID-19 cases.
The executive committee is advising its members to move forward with “prudence and maturity” when organising feast activities.
This comes after fresh reports that one of the COVID-19 patients had attended feast celebrations in Santa Venera.
“The Executive of the Għaqda Nazzjonali Każini tal-Banda has already stressed to move forward with prudence and maturity during the activities organised in relation to feasts, and is again urging members to keep moving in a cautious and prudent manner when deciding to organise such activities,” the group said.
The organisation is stressing that such activities should not jeopardise the hard work carried out by the health authorities over the past few months.
“This is an exceptional year, and our feast celebrations should reflect these times,” they went on to say.
The Archdiocese of Malta had given a similar statement on village feasts, saying that the organisation of activities outside of the mass and pilgrimage remain the sole responsibility of band clubs and the police.
After a sudden spread of COVID-19 cases, many organisations have been calling for a ban on mass gatherings, which would include activities such as band marches during feasts.