Malta Enterprise CEO Takes Salary Cut, Says This Should Be Part Of A Government Initiative

Cover photo: Kurt Farrugia (Photo: Malta Enterprise)
Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia has confirmed he has requested a cut in his own salary as a gesture of solidarity toward businesses and workers feeling the pinch as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
Farrugia was asked whether he would take a salary cut during yesterday’s edition of #CovidCalls, Lovin Malta’s talk show about the impact of the coronavirus.
“I’ve already spoken to the Malta Enterprise management and asked for a cut in my own salary but I don’t enjoy taking about it and I wouldn’t even have mentioned it had you not asked,” he responded. “I’ve given part of my March salary as a donation and I’ll definitely take a cut, ideally as part of a government initiative.”
Prime Minister Robert Abela last week pledged to forfeit a month’s worth of his salary as a gesture of solidarity to people struggling with the economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis and urged other highly-paid people in the public sector other to do likewise.
Four Cabinet members, Economy Minister Silvio Schembri, Tourism Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli, Agriculture Minister Anton Refalo and parliamentary secretary for active ageing Silvio Parnis, have since followed suit.
Workers in the public sector have also received a letter asking whether they would like to donate a portion of their salary and a specific fund has been set up to administer these donations.