From €2 To €12 Per Day At Malta’s Campus Hub Car Park As Students Infuriated

Malta’s university campus hub car park tariffs have skyrocketed overnight, going from €2 to a shocking €12 per day for students.
The new tariffs were recently published and students attending the University of Malta are beyond infuriated.
For the first 15 minutes, parking is free, however, for an hour, it’s now €1.50. For one to two hours it’s at €2.50, two to three hours at €3.50, three to four hours at €4.50, four to five hours at €5.50, five to 13 hours at €6.50 and 13 to 24 hours at €12.
“Campus Hub was never really thinking of university students to start off with. I remember their rental prices were exorbitant when they had first opened up, and the most recent slap in the face was the increase in parking tariffs. Certain actions are understandable to a certain point,” Kylie Fenech told Lovin Malta.
“Because after all, they are a for-profit company. But nonetheless, how can you truly serve your clientele, which is completely based on students, when you’re so tone-deaf to their situation?”

New tariffs
“Most students receive a merely €89 monthly stipend, with a substantial part of the student population having to work part-time jobs for them to be able to cope with their already existing expenses.”
“This will only continue to put unnecessary pressure on already burnt-out students who are struggling just to get by,” she concluded.
A lost ticket will also cost students €12 in order to be able to retrieve their cars from the car park.
The tariff card also outlines that a student can get up to two hours of free parking, only if they purchase something from the Campus Hub outlets.
What do you make of these new rates?