Malta Will Impose More Restrictive Measures If People Keep Gathering In Groups, Prime Minister Warns

Malta will have no choice but to impose stricter measures to combat the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus unless people stop gathering in groups, Prime Minister Robert Abela has warned.
“I understand it’s an uncomfortable situation but if we aren’t self-disciplined, we’re going to suffer even more. If we postpone this sacrifice or if three quarters of the public sacrifice while the other quarter doesn’t, the period of sacrifice will have to increase and we might have to impose stricter measures.”
“This isn’t a holiday, this isn’t a time for people to meet up at beaches, playgrounds or gardens. I know it’s sad but this is the reality. You can still go for walks by yourself but to have 10-15 people meeting at playgrounds while their children run around is simply not on.”
“Closing schools would prove useless if children are still gathering at parks and playgrounds, just as closing restaurants would prove useless if people are still gathering at beaches.”
“We are going to continue increasing measures in this regard because the only alternative is that we’ll lose our grip on a situation which we’ve contained so well so far. If we don’t have full cooperation from the public, we will have to increase measures.”