Malta’s Police Recruits Will Get Academic Training With New Chief Pledging To Stamp Out Abuse Of Resources To Get Degrees

New recruits in Malta’s Police Force will undergo a fully-fully-fledged academic course within the force itself, with new Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa pledging that officers who skive work and abuse resources to attend university courses will no longer be tolerated
“I managed to get two masters degrees while in the force but it never took away from my duties. I never have even taken sick leave. Those who skive work or even worse use other resources to get a course will no longer be tolerated,” he told Lovin Malta in his first press conference as Police Commissioner.
However, he insisted that he was a big believer in police officers improving their education. As part of the plan Gafa submitted to the Public Service Commission, new recruits will have to go through a six-month academic programme before becoming an officer. They will then be overseen by a mentor for an extended period of on the job training to ensure sustained progress.
In the long run, Gafa has more ambitious plans for the police force’s academic wing suggesting to Lovin Malta that he hopes to enhance the service to include a bachelor’s and master’s degree to help officers climb up the ladder.
Gafa’s strong statement comes after members of Malta’s traffic police section revealed to Lovin Malta that several officers were enrolling in university courses at the expense of their police work and taxpayers’ money.
“Several police officers have enrolled at the University of Malta for a full-time law course and attend lectures during work hours,” a traffic officer said. “Many of them are escorted to university in a police car and their driver has to wait outside for hours at a stretch until they finish their lectures.”
“They even study and do their assignments during work hours, in full view of other officers.”
Some of these police officers even leave the police force to become full-time lawyers once they graduate and involved several high-ranking officials.
Gafa’s plans will hopefully solve the issue.
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